Grivel Helix Ice Screw


The Grivel Helix Ice Screw is as fast as it is effective. It is simple and easy to use;within a few short moments, you'll have an ancher point for ice climbing.

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* Load-Bearing Climbing Equipment is not returnable*

Due to safety reasons, load-bearing climbing equipment that relates to the safety of your life (or the lives of others) are not returnable under any circumstances. These items include but are not limited to: Climbing harnesses, ropes, belay gear, carabiners, ascenders, helmets, sewn webbing and slings, ice screws, and any other product in which misuse or failure could risk life or safety.

The simple and effective ice screw. Easy to bite the ice thanks to its symmetrical handle. Easy to screw-in thanks to the handle. Easy to rack thanks to the shape of the ring. Easy to carry on the carabiner that can easily rack a good number. You will find great technological skills on Helix.

'It turns on itself as fast as helicopter blades even on the hardest ice' – Hervé Barmasse, Grivel team

Weight: 155 g
Length: 16 cm
Best Use: ice climbing / mountaineering
Materials: steel
Certification: CE EN 568 (16 and 20 cm)

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


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